And you know why we have finally gotten some backbone? Why it’s that we finally realized our potential? Very simple! It’s the Orangeman, Donald J. trump.
For all his flaws and faults, he has shown the Right that they don’t need to keep rolling over for the Left. The Progs are much more wrong than they are right ... and their leadership, both at the local and national level, has not kept us winning. Yet somehow we are magically still number one ... on the strength of our “greatest generation” ... but, if we don’t wake up soon, we’re doomed to hold that fingered “L” to our foreheads ... to the muffled giggles of the George Soros posse and the America Lasters.
I know I am sounding jingoistic ... but one needs not to look far across this great country to realize how low we have sunk in the last thirty years ... while much of the rest of the world has played us for suckers.
After winning the Cold War, we were resting on our oars while others took advantage of us. Now, no more! Unless our snowflake generation behaves as their pedagogical betters have programmed them to, our country now has a chance to recover our greatness ... and bequest a genuine legacy of freedom and prosperity to all our issue.
And we are starting, ever so slightly, to prevail. Thank you, Donald for opening our eyes!
ReplyDeleteI find it disconcerting that you sully traditional conservatism.
Trump is not a conservative. He is a self-aggrandizing opportunist who managed to fool some of the people by espousing knee-jerk causes. Not too long ago he liked abortion, employed cadres of illegal immigrants, did deals with China and other evil regimes, and came to believe he was the chosen one. He has promised to MAGA which means "white guys in power, fuck everyone else." This is not the conservatism of intelligent men like William Buckley and George Will.
The Dinessh D'souza and Ben Shipiro mouthpieces are leading the GOP into perdition. You have been played for suckers by sophist hucksters.
And I'm pretty sure Trump killed Epstein to shut him up.
Can we have two different realities? No, one of us is living a lie. A Donald Trump big lie ... or a Hillary Clinton big lie.
ReplyDeleteWater pistols at dawn ...
I have an idea to resolve this dilemma, pilgrim. Assemble in your mind all the physical evidence showing the Clinton camp lies ... and then the same for the Trump camp lies. Do not include media or partisan opinions or speculations! Got ‘em? Now, rethink your position too!
ReplyDeleteI thought the topic of discussion was Trump's push for greatness vs Shrinking Violet Traditional Conservatism.
ReplyDeleteBut you'd rather play the Clinton card. I cannot defend the Clintons. The only thing I know for sure is that neither of them has been convicted of a crime. (He was un-impeached by a bi-partisan Senate vote.) Most of the allegations against Hillary are hate-fueled innuendo, devoid of indictable proof.
You speak of fairness. I fart in the face of your notion of fairness.
Working theory: Shallow state GOP "patriots" had Epstein killed to keep him from spilling what he knew about Trump.
To try to aver that Hillary is not at the center of the Resistance is not just delusional ... it’s paranoid. Hard proof of the Clinton’s culpability is in the wide open for those who care to look.
Fart Face
Religious charlatans tell us there is hard proof in the Bible, then they babble senselessly that you have to believe in order to see it.
ReplyDeleteSo I'm pretty sure I won this debate, since I stuck to topic and you went all la-la-la.
More gas where that came from.
Capt. Windbreak
Am I to conclude you don’t care to look? See my latest blog “Two Realities.”
ReplyDeleteAnd ... I’ve watched lots of debates and I don’t recall any farter carrying the day ... not even Swalwell.