Monday, September 09, 2019

Just Us

The back and forth in the courts surrounding Trump’s immigration policies and wall funding makes it blatantly clear that our court system has become so politicized that justice is now almost totally relative and not based upon legislative intent. Mostly liberal judges ... and even some Supreme Court justices ... feel that they can make executive decisions on how immigrants are housed, processed and transported ... independent of the clear text of our laws.

Just recently a Ninth Circuit judge has enjoined the White House from enforcing previous immigration law that explicitly states that asylum-seeking  migrants must apply for asylum in the first country they enter after leaving their “oppressive” homelands. Trump has decided to follow this law and deny asylum to any Central Amman migrants who first didn’t apply for refuge in Mexico. That is what the law says ... but, to a liberal judge, this makes no difference ... and Trump has been so enjoined ... see: Politico Article.

Like many other Ninth Circus decisions, this one will likely be overturned in the appeal process. But these judges apparently don’t really care for their legal legacy. Because they have once again thwarted Trump and delayed his agenda ... and that is what is important. Just us in San Francisco!

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