Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Trump’s plan to stem border crossings gets results

JP Morgan is close to winning a lead role in history’s biggest IPO: Saudi Aramco

Trump cancels secret Taliban meeting at Camp David ...

Mechanic accused of sabotaging flight came to U.S. from Iraq

Klobacher blasts Trump’s Taliban strategy: ‘This isn’t a game show’

China’s exports to the US are falling sharply as Trump escalates the trade war

Joe Walsh says George Conway advising him ...

Alveda King: Bernie Sander’s population control will target black communities

French minister: European Union won’t grant UK a Brexit delay as things stand

Mark Sanford will mount Republican primary challenge against Trump

Warren-Clinton team up ...

Winning: 6.2 million off food stamps under Trump

And as an an extra added headline (from Powerline blog)


  1. The defacation headline was fake.
    (From Snopes) There was no truth to the above-quoted story. The Valley Report is an entertainment (i.e., junk news) website that does not publish factual stories, as noted in its disclaimer: “Some of these stories may be exaggerated, embellished or an outright work of fiction. Use proper judgment when reading anything on the internet.”

    Are you emulating your hero by publishing fake information?

  2. Too good not to be true ...
