Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Toilet Water

AOC has claimed that at one of the “concentration camps” (immigrant detention centers) on the Mexican border, women and children are being made to drink out of toilets. Although Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her posse have not actually witnessed this debauchery, she avows these indignities are occurring in bathrooms “without running water.”

The important questioned not asked by her sympathetic media entourage: “How can a bathroom without running water have any water in its toilets?” I actually think that AOC hasn’t enough brain cells to realize the incongruity of these two statements.

A responsible media would challenge AOC’s sliming of our border patrol ... asking who was so degraded, who degraded them, where was this bathroom for inspection ... and who was the firsthand source of this claim? Then, following things up with interviews of these parties.

Have you noticed any media seeking this information? Neither have I. Fake news? Therefore I can only conclude that this despicable Bronx House Rep is as phony as a two peso bill. And she should be held to account for her slandering of our public servants. But I’m not holding my breath.

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