Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Reverse Psychology

Rush Limbaugh pointed out something today that is so obvious that it is a wonder that we haven’t noted it before ... viz, whatever Trump is for, Democrats are against ... and whatever Trump is against, Democrats are for. This used to be jokingly how a parent could control an unruly child ... by using reverse psychology. “Don’t you eat that spinach!” “Please make sure you leave your room a mess.” And so forth.

So ...

If Trump wants to control immigration with a wall, Dems campaign for open borders.

If Trump wants better relations with Russia, Dems do a u-turn from their traditional fifth-column-ism and accuse him of being a Putin “cock holster.”

Dems are suddenly concerned with Trump’s national deficits after eight years of their own fire-hose spending.

Because of tax cuts, Trump’s economic miracle is just a continuation of Obama’s recovery.

Trump’s pointing out how many times reporters misrepresent the facts (“fake news”) is an attack on the First Amendment ... a rare Dem defense of same.

Since a few conservative states are placing restrictions on abortions, liberal states now are cheering for infanticide laws.

Given this cultural immaturity, maybe next year Trump should endorse whomever the Dems nominate for president ... to insure his re-election?

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