Thursday, May 30, 2019


The media is once again taking notice of UFO sightings ... watch: YouTube Video. Even Tucker Carlson on FoxNews has indicated his concern. Nobody, including myself, wants to completely discount these sightings ... particularly when reported by Navy pilots. But, saying that, I am convinced that aliens are not invading Earth ... see: Sapient Window Update.

Therefore these UFO sightings must be a function of an Earth-based technology or explainable by any number of natural phenomena. And since many observations involve physics beyond what is currently capable anywhere, these sightings must be explainable as natural ... I watched a video of the top 5 sightings and one was clearly the moon showing through a fog bank. There are lots of other possibilities ...

I am not sage enough to offer all these explanations. But, until one of these UFOs lands and a little green man asks to be taken to our orange-haired leader, I am not a believer in UFOs from outer space.

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