Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bowel Blockage

“The government is like a baby’s alimentary canal with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other” -- Ronald Reagan

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his posse of 18 partisan attorneys as well as legions of FBI agents and others spent 22 months and tens of millions of dollars trying to prove that Trump or his campaign colluded, conspired or cooperated with Russia to win the 2016 election. Mueller came up empty on collusion and took a pass on obstruction of justice ... possibly the only noble thing that he did in this whole sordid affair.

Since pretty much the whole Democrat establishment and media was convinced that Mueller would take down Trump, his report became indigestible. Now the Democrats have a serious bowel blockage and are taking increasingly desperate moves to stay regular ... including Mueller’s demagoging yesterday.

And so dear reader, their purgative actions in the House and media probably will result in predictable results. The question becomes who will be soiled in the process. I have some obvious thoughts.

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