Sunday, May 19, 2019

No More Heroes

Fascists protesting Fascism

For some stupid reason we are killing off all our heroes. That great general, Robert E. Lee, is now no more ... because he tried so nobly and effectively to defend his culture. John Wayne who stood so tall as a proud American is now brought down by an old interview in Playboy magazine. Richard Nixon who saved thousands of American lives by pulling off the impossible ... extracting us from the war in Vietnam  ... is vilified like few others for trying to cover for the petty crimes of his subordinates.

Many of our young bubbleheads are now trying to erase George Washington, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson’s names from our monuments, locales and universities because they owned slaves ... forgetting that these men put their own lives on the line to save the future of all of their countrymen, slaves included. Even that great emancipator, Abraham Lincoln, is now under fire by our snowflakes for not making reform happen at an impossible pace.

For our current bevy of cowardly iconoclasts, please be put on notice ... before you try to pull down any more of our verified heroes ... please first show yourselves to have some noble qualities ... instead of hiding behind insipid slogans and milksop masks.

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