Monday, May 20, 2019


Bernie’s mystery Soviet tapes revealed

Three states just set new lows for unemployment — that could be good for Trump in 2020

ICE to move 225,000 across country ...

Nancy Pelosi: ‘We have never not said there was a crisis’ at the border

Greg Craig’s lawyer: Nothing unusual about pushing firm to hire Manafort’s daughter

US trade talks with China have stalled: Sources

Mueller testimony off until at least June — if EVER ...

Exclusive: ‘Hate agents’ blacklist kept at Facebook ... includes Candice Owens

90% of voters want infrastructure legislation passed

Chinese state-run paper says US claims of forced tech transfers are ‘fabricated’

Study: Men afraid to mentor women after #MeToo ...

Planned Parenthood president: ‘Terrifying’ pro-life legislation

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