Friday, May 24, 2019

Drying-up Puddle

The Dems are angry, very angry. They would turn Washington upside down to get rid of Trump. Hell, they would turn our country upside down just to embarrass our orange-haired leader.

Yes, national polling says that the Dems might be on the cusp of winning in 2020 ... which seems to validate their many proposals: pack the Supreme Court, open our borders, increase taxes, eliminate the Electoral College, allow abortions into the fourth trimester, pay blacks reparations, destroy ICE, implement the Green New Deal, and on and on ... to prevail until we become Venezuela.

The Dems grand plot to make our president an eunuch... Mueller’s Russian collusion investigation  ... has shit the bed. And so, in spittle-flecked desperation, they are asking for an investigation Mulligan. But they seem oblivious to the fact that the American people are becoming bored with these warmed-over conspiracy leftovers. Even though the polls dispute such a conclusion ... we are learning more and more ... like just in Australia ... that polls are sucking wind. The Dems can try contempt of Congress or impeachment of Bill Barr or even Trump ... but they are likely losers.

But somehow I get the impression that all these radical proposals are acts of desperation ... a realization that, if the economy stays as good as it is now ... coupled with a win in North Korea, Iran, Venezuela or China ... Trump will be unbeatable. It’s a little like the Dems are worms caught in a drying-up puddle ... flipping around in the realization of their coming fate.

Please hear me you worms: Robert DeNiro, Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff? Squirming around in a drying-up puddle is not a winning strategy.

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