Friday, May 24, 2019

Cover Up

“‘Revelation is a cover up.’ This is right out of George Orwell”  — Joseph diGenova

A friend today asked me at lunch if I thought Trump had “covered up?” I took it to mean — has he ever cut any corners, so I replied, “probably.” But now, upon reflection, I realize he meant — do I agree with Nancy Pelosi when she accused Trump of a cover up?

In this context, I should have answered in the negative ... because, if I have to guess, the dowdy dowager must be accusing Trump of covering up in the House’s attempt to redo the Mueller investigation. Nobody who is fair and campos mentis believes that Adam Schiff or Jerry Nadler have any but raw political motivations in their attempt to redo the Mueller witch hunt. Besides, Trump’s order to his intelligence agencies to provide AG Barr with any documents he wants ... and he may declassify them if properly redacted ... is the absolute antithesis of a cover up. As Joseph diGenova notes, Trump is revealing Deep State dirt ... not covering it up.

One obvious purpose of the initial Mueller Russian collusion hoax was to cast a pall over Trump and his party so that the Democrats could retake Congress in 2018. Well they did win back the House and have since asked for a Mueller redo so that they can further smear Trump ... and bamboozle the American electorate in 2020 ... to finally rid us of this orange-hair swamp creature exterminator.

So Trump has said, “NO, I’m not going through this gauntlet again.” Trump was extremely open and cooperative with Mueller in his toxic but impotent investigation. Trump’s White House counsel, Don McGahn, was interviewed by the Mueller tag team for 30 hours ... and shouldn’t need to do this again. Trump had no need to permit McGahn’s first testimony because of executive privilege and clearly doesn’t need to allow a kangaroo court rehash of this same inquisition.

If this is what Nancy Pelosi and my friend meant by this new Democrat talking point “cover up,” I clearly side with Trump. It is a smarmy and purely political slur ... and I applaud Trump for pushing back ... and for giving Barr this extraordinary power to open the blinds on what many intelligence communities were doing to submarine Trump and his presidency.

If Nancy Botox has some other definition of “cover up,” I think she is obliged to come forward with the details ... before her House caucus becomes a laughing stock.

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