Thursday, February 28, 2019

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Exoplanet 55 Cancri f  (NASA photo)

Thanks for Nothing!

One is allowed to speculate about the collapse of  the Hanoi summit with Km Jong Un. My take is that Kim saw Trump as besieged because of the Cohen hearings and thought our president was desperate for a deal ... and concluded he could get a weakened Trump to drop the sanctions.

He was wrong ... and a golden opportunity was sacrificed on the alter of internecine American politics.

Thanks Elijah Cummings and the many spittle-flecked myopic House Democrats who elevated Cohen in this shameful stunt! You have likely traded a huge long-term international win for your short-term petty political advantage.

Living Life

The king can get rheumatism and dropsy just like the peasant. — Anon.


Trump on brink of defeat on border emergency

Elon Musk lashes out: ‘Something is broken with SEC oversight’

WSJ: Cohen to testify Trump engaged in criminal activity while in office

Gun-control stars get security ‘similar to U.S. President’ at Oscars

Harris aims to lock down California with new statewide endorsements

Tesla shares fall after SEC asks judge to hold Musk in contempt for violating deal

Noose tightens on Maduro ... Russia claims USA preparing to invade ...

Global warming: Los Angeles has coldest February in 60 years

Rosenstein: Barr will do the ‘right thing’ on Mueller report

Home prices grow at slowest pace since December, 2015: S&P Case-Schiller report

May surrenders to Remainers: Brexit can be delayed ...

Transgender kids take title on CT high school track championship

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

So What ...

Michael Cohen will do his level best to eviscerate President Trump in public House Oversight Committee hearings today. He will use every card in the Democrat deck ... Trump is a liar, a racist, a cheat, a con man, a misogynist and a traitor ... in other words, there is a rail, a vat of hot tar and a pillow-full of of feathers that needs to be used on this man as soon as he returns from Hanoi ... where he is doing his level best to eliminate North Korea’s threat to unleash a nuclear winter.

Obviously it is not coincidental that the House Democrats are trying to rain on Trump’s Vietnam parade. Politics is politics after all. And it is also fairly obvious that a man facing three years in prison for, among other things, lying to Congress ... might abandon his vow to take a bullet for Trump. Instead, he is doing his damnedest to shoot Trump clear through the heart. Somehow this dramatic U-turn on Cohen’s part does not put a shine on his character.

But, you know what? I don’t think that Cohen’s open-hearing mud balls will have the expected effect on Trump. I could be wrong, but I think most Trump supporters (not loyalists) understand our president’s foibles ... and, although not happy about them, still appreciate that there are far bigger things at stake here. If Trump can keep us from being vaporized by nukes from any adversary, we can overlook a payoff to a porn star. To me, so what ... it is the Democrats and Cohen who are appearing the most sullied in this whole sordid sideshow.


GOP donors: Trump campaign lacks a strategy to win in 2020

Buffet, after last week’s stock plunge, says Berkshire Hathaway ‘overpaid’ for Kraft

Are we on road to civilization collapse? Scientists fear end to mankind ...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Democrat establishment, ‘We’re in charge’

Ex-Clinton staffers slam Sanders over private jet flights

Former Fed Chairman Paul Volker rips ‘culture of the financial system’ and its focus on profits

After Putin’s warning, Russian TV lists nuclear targets in USA ...

Harris: ‘Of course we can afford’ spending on Green New Deal

Warren shuts down donor dinners, insider access

Oil falls after Trump tells OPEC prices are too high and ‘world cannot take a price hike’

With 5G hype high, consumers risk disappointment ...

Report: Julian Assange receives Australian passport

Living Life

Life is too short to be holdng grudges — Anon.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Game Changer

Let us draw a few presidential contrasts:

Clinton,  Bush. and Obama did not try to address the North Korean nuclear threat ... Trump appears to be making some progress

Clinton,  Bush. and Obama did not effectively push back against the NATO payment slackers ... Trump has

Obama did nothing when Russia invaded the Ukraine ... Trump has armed them to resist

Clinton,  Bush. and Obama had ineffective and expensive Middle East strategies ... Trump appears to reversed both stumbles

Clinton, Bush and Obama had ignored Russian violations of the cruise missile treaty ... Trump hasn’t

Obama, with the Federal Reserve Bank’s help, was happy with GDP growth below 2% ... Trump has taken it above 3% even with the Fed working against him

Clinton, Bush and Obama had ignored the growing Venezuelan disaster, Trump hasn’t

Clinton, Bush. and especially Obama did not  address the Iranian threats ... Trump appears to have put Iran’s mullahs back in a box

Obama did not resist the Russian pipeline into Germany ... Trump has

Clinton, Bush and Obama had ineffective immigration policies and enforcement ... Trump is trying to fix things, resisted by Democrats and much of corporate America

Clinton and Obama were clearly anti-Israel ... Trump is just the opposite

ISIS was created due to Obama’s ineptitude and he would not defeat them ... Trump has

... Is this enough evidence that Trump is a game changer?

Living Life

Octogenarians (people who are in their 80s) are most often cantankerous mischief makers. — Anon.


Trump’s secret to victory in 2020: Hispanic voters

China rushes to seal trade deal ahead of Trump’s deadline

All-male military draft ruled unconstitutional ...

Nebraska lawmaker calls American flag ‘a rag,’ compares it to a swastika

U.S.-China trade talks yield currency deal, but big differences remain

Iran’s president faces calls to resign over economic crisis

Tax refunds plunge 17% as Treasury ratchets up defense ...

Aussie: Climate change drives first mammals to extinction

Trump says Huawei charges on the table in China trade talks

Venezuela’s Guaido says ‘all options open’ after Maduro blocks aid

EU Parliament elections could upend politics across Europe ...

Former Vatican spokesman caught in serial plagiarism

Monday, February 25, 2019

Moral Relativism

A liberal friend asked me a question this weekend, “Is Trump dirty?” My answer was “probably.” My reasoning was based upon the fact that, as a successful skyscraper builder in major metropolitan areas, Trump had to deal with many unsavory characters, seedy union bosses, greedy contractors, corrupt politicians and building materials suppliers (many concrete companies are mafia controlled) ... therefore he couldn’t help but be somewhat sullied in the process. But was he any shadier than almost any politician you can name  ... including the Clinton crime family? I sincerely doubt it. And unlike the Clintons, Obama and many other polluted pols, I have no doubt about Trump’s love and loyalty to the United States.

And so I expect some mud in Mueller’s Trump witch-hunt report whenever it comes out. But I also expect no smoking gun regarding Russian collusion or obstruction of justice. The dirt, to whatever degree, will be revealed by Michael Cohen and the Southern District of New York prosecutors delving into Trump’s earlier business deals ... for which he can’t be impeached, but besmirched nevertheless. I have no idea whether any of the short cuts Trump took as a builder are felonies. It will all depend on the quality of legal advice he got during that period. But, in any case, it will have to wait until he leaves office and well may be mitigated by other politicians scrambling to cover their own dirty deeds.

Yes, in my dotage I’ve slipped into moral relativism. I am even regretting my sanctimony in condemning Richard Nixon in my salad days. My measure now is much broader when rating presidents. I ask what do they do to benefit America ... and do they put our interests ahead of their own personal ambitions and greed. I think maybe the only truly “squeaky clean” president we have had in my lifetime was Jimmy Carter... and you saw what that got us.

Living Life

Children (and grandchildren) are the Jalapeño peppers in the Western omelets of life. — Anon.


Dem chairmen demand Barr release Mueller report

Elon Musk says the tech is ‘mind-boggling stupid’ but hydrogen cars may yet threaten Tesla

Poll: Bernie leads all Dems in New Hampshire ...

Donald Trump administration: Abortion is not family planning

Damaged GOP faces tough path in North Carolina election do-over

Boeing 767 cargo jet crashes near Houston with 3 people on board, the FAA says

Mueller’s 800+-page memo ...

Cowboys for Trump ride through D.C. in support of border wall

Trump administration issues rules to strip millions from Planned Parenthood

California proposes phase out of single-engine planes by 2030

Pelosi refuses to show hers [tax returns] ...

Yellow vests take to the streets 15th straight week against Macron

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Living Life

The best anecdote for too much emotion is a cold logic shower — Anon.

Fractured Definition

Canasta — nullify Mr. and Mrs. North’s wire-haired terrier’s movie contract.


Sanders has early lead over Warren in battle of the left

Morgan Stanley: China’s debt is set to worsen, but there’s less risk from shadow banking

Iran starts Gulf war games; Tests sub-launched missiles ...

Warren: My ‘Ultram-Millionaires Tax’ is down payment on Green New Deal

Trump stays silent on media-hating Coast Guard officer

Venezuela’s Maduro closes border with Brazil, says Columbia crossings could be next

200 ‘peacekeeping’ US troops to stay in Syria after pillout ...

Maxine Waters on Smollett: ‘I would be disappointed’ if it is a hoax

IRS analyst charged with leaking Cohen’s financial data to Avenati

China’s stimulus seems to be ‘finally kicking in’ as new loans hit record high, experts say

India orders ‘staggering’ evictions of indigenous people ...

Global warming: Snow in Los Angeles

Fractured Definition

Parasol — a machine often used to trim or cut down trees


N.C. election board orders new race in disputed House district

A trade deal may not be priced in just yet as study shows S&P should be 11% higher

Dems embrace reparations for slavery ...

Chicago PD superintendent blasts stars, media, Dems over Smollett

Judge broadens gag order against Roger Stone after Instagram post

Tesla shares fall after Consumer Reports says it will no longer recommend Model 3

Video: Bernie praises Castro in 1985 interview ...

Nike stock falls after Zion Williamson shoe blowout, injury

Judge: Prosecutors violated law in dealings with Jeffrey Epstein victims

Tesla customers describe maddening problems with returns and refunds

Putin to USA: I’m ready for another Cuban missile crisis if want one ...

Jobless claims fall by more than expected

Friday, February 22, 2019

Quotable Quote

The Jussie Smollett hoax is a result of the demand for racism outstripping the supply — Texter to the Howie Carr Show

Obvious Truth #44

Reporters are supposedly truth seekers and truth tellers. The best news reporters are the most scrupulous with their facts. Opinion writers posing as reporters are  the prostitutes of the news profession ... and giving them journalism prizes is like giving the Mother Theresa Award to Stormy Daniels.


Putin says he’s open to arms control talks, warns U.S. against hostility

China media says if US slaps tariffs on China will be catastrophic for the stock market

Covington student sues WASH POST for $250 million ...

Trump takes back nearly $1 billion from California for high-speed rail

Ross’s financial disclosures rejected by government ethics watchdog

Tesla replaces general counsel Dane Butswinkas after two months

Venezuela on brink, Cuba warns U.S. intervention

Beto backtracks: ‘Physical barrier’ needed in ‘some places’

Judge OKs suit aimed at halting Obama library in Chicago

Massive winter storm expected to drop rain, ice, snow on much of US

Director of National Intelligence next on the chop?

U.K. urges Germany to ease restrictions on arm sales to Saudis

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Barr Tab

It seems a reckoning is coming in our previous fast and loose federal justice system. It is not so obvious yet ... but everyone will soon see it and it may not be as expected. It’s revelations should occur in just the next few months. William Barr has been confirmed as our new attorney general and decisive things are beginning to occur. It is hoped and expected that the deep-state bias and wishy-washiness at the Session’s DOJ is now a thing of the past.

Rod Rosenstein is to be leaving the DOJ in a few weeks and Bob Mueller is rumored to be preparing his final report ... which many are whispering will not amount to what liberals around the country have been salivating for: Donald Trump has not been colluding with the Russians. Donald Trump did not obstruct justice before and after his election. No one in Trump’s campaign has colluded with Russia and it is not clear that Russia changed even one vote in the 2016 election. The only Mueller indictments and convictions that have occurred as a result of this witch-hunt were either for events that occurred years before Trump came down his escalator ... or were process crimes of “lying” to his kangaroo court.

But the rampant lying by FBI and DOJ employees and former employees, the Clinton crime family, and many others in the Obama administration ... have been broomed by Mueller investigators. This averting of eyes hopefully should disappear under AJ Barr. This certainly would be a refreshing change.

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Residential building in Singapore


Sanders launches second bid for presidency

‘Panic buying’ likely to drive stock market higher in the near term

‘Empire’ strikes back, cutting Jussie Smollett’s scenes ...

EU boss Junker opens door to Brexit delay

New Hampshire gives Harris a hard time for rarely showing up

California and 15 other states sue over Trump’s national emergency

Warren unveils [free] child care funded by wealth tax ...

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked photos show El Paso border facilities overwhelmed

Nancy Pelosi to Europe: Trump is not the boss

Andrew McCabe: I told Congressional leaders that the FBI was investigating Trump — and they didn’t object

Barry Diller: Hollywood now irrelevant ...

Poll: 85% of Republicans approve of Trump’s national emergency to build wall

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Obvious Truth #43

Acting is socially condoned lying. The better the thespian, the more convincing the liar.


Amazon ‘couldn’t handle the heat,’ NYC’s de Blasio says

Italy’s far-right group set to be the second biggest political party in the EU

Pelosi quietly deletes tweet [supporting Smollett] ...

Limbaugh: Immigration is an emergency, our ‘culture’ at risk

McCabe: ‘I was fired because I opened a case against the president’

Japan’s Abe nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize — reportedly after the US asked him to

FACEBOOK labeled ‘digital gangsters’ in U.K. ...

Global warming: CA officials tell skiers to stay home, too much snow

Election board  to decide fate of disputed North Carolina congressional race

China’s car sales fell 16 percent in January, making seven months of decline

Dems ready to challenge emergency declaration ... Texas-sized backlash from land owners ...

N.Y. Times: Trump’s border reforms working

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

God’s Plan

As per the Mostly Cajun’s request ... see: God’s Plan for Seniors. The second part is better.


Trump is evil. Absolutely everything he does as president is pulling this country down. He has accomplish nothing in his over two years in office. All he does is play golf and watch TV. Anything that is good today was accomplished by his Nobel-Prize winning predecessors. He is an absolute doofus and has orange hair to boot. Here are some of his braggadocios policy statements and self-puffing accomplishments. Agree or disagree?

Many NATO members should be paying up for what they had committed to — True  False
North Korea needs to denuclearize or be vaporized — True  False
Germany connecting to a Russian oil pipeline defeats the purpose of NATO — True  False
We have destroyed the ISIS caliphate and should withdraw from Syria — True  False
China’s trade practises with the US are very unfair and need fixing — True  False
Mueller’s Russian collusion investigation is a witch hunt — True  False
If a nation does not protect its borders, it is not a nation ... we need a wall — True  False
Tax cuts and regulation reform will jump start the American economy — True  False
We have long promised to move our embassy to Jerusalem. Now is the time — True False
After 18 years of war, it is time to get out of Afghanistan — True  False
The Iranian nuclear deal is a complicit disaster and needs to be nullified — True  False
Middle East nations should pay us for their defense — True  False
The Iranian theocracy does not serve its people and needs to be reformed — True  False
Our intelligence agencies don’t always get things right — True  False
We need to make America energy independent — True  False
We need a more thorough migrant vetting process in countries rife with terrorists — True  False
Saudi Arabia is key to Middle East peace — True  False
Visa lotteries do not produce the best migrants, should be stopped — True  False
We need to bring manufacturing back to our country— True False
Chain migration is also insane and needs to be stopped — True  False
We need to arm the Ukrainian government to push back against the Russians — True  false
NAFTA has been a disaster for US manufacturing and needs renegotiating — True  False
Why are we  taking migrants from “shithole” countries — True  False
The Paris Climate Accord was a gigantic wealth transfer mechanism and should die — True  False
The United States will never be a socialist country — True  False
Our military needs to refunded and  revitalized — True  False

And this is not the half of it. Romney said Trump was “a fake and a fraud.” And he is not getting anything done. Agree?

Fractured Definition

Magazine — an internet publication that promotes the Trump agenda.


Trump bets on North Korea to break his losing streak

Why California’s new solar mandate could cost new homeowners up to $10,000

The wolf who cried MAGA ... could get 3 years in prison for filing false report ...

Stephen Miller predicts ‘hundreds of miles’ of border wall by 2020

How does a straight white male Democrat run for president?

A big change in accounting will pit $3 trillion in liabilities on corporate balance sheets

Amazon pays no income takes ... $11 billion in profits ...$100 million rebate!

Networks refuse to cover ‘no Russian collusion’ report

Trump threatens to release ISIS prisoners if EU doesn’t take them

Anthony Weiner released from prison, now in federal reentry program

Senate panel to investigate meetings between Russians, Obama officials ...

[Iran] U.S. sabotaging Tehran space program

Monday, February 18, 2019

Happy ...

Dead Old White Men’s Day!

Presidential Paradox

President Trump is rather unique in that he often brings out the worst in many of his fellow citizenry and allies ...  but then can educe the best in some of our enemies. — Anon.


California’s move to Super Tuesday hands Harris a big edge in 2020

As Trump ponders auto tariffs, free trade Republicans push back

Spending binge worse than under Obama, Bush

Washington Post: Democrats hid border security win from Trump

Dems prepare to force Trump to reveal private talks with Putin

Trade talks with the U.S. are ‘making a final sprint,’ Chinese state media claim

Kaepernick settles collusion case against NFL ... $60 - $80 million?

Trump decries catch and release as spending bill expands program

Vatican defrocks former Washington cardinal over sex abuse

Trump’s message is having an impact on NATO, secretary general says

Just 1 in 4 Americans pass US citizenship test ...

Lindsey Graham congratulates Trump on defeating ISIS caliphate

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Open-border advocates make the slippery claim that illegal immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. Yes, of course this must be true ... since there are 15  to 30 times more of the latter than the former. This oft-repeated mantra is meant to deceive and, unfortunately, it often does.

However, the proper comparison would be on a proportional basis. Illegal immigrants represent  about 14 percent of our federal prison population (66% of 21% ... see: Center for Immigration Studies Stats) and less reliable reports have this same approximate proportion in many state prisons and local jails. And, depending on your source, illegal immigrants represent 3% (at 11 million) to 7% (at 23 million) of our nation’s total population (323 million). Sooo, illegal immigrants must proportionally commit from 2 to almost 5 times the crimes of our native-born population.


Fractured Definition

Sinecure  -  receiving extreme unction for all past human transgressions.


Legal war looms over Trump move to declare border emergency

China and US will continue high-stakes trade talks in Washington next week

ABC: ‘Empire’ actor staged attack? Hate or hoax

Beto: ‘The border has never been as safe and secure’

Amazon to New York; Drop dead

Trump will sign spending bill, declare national emergency and ‘other executive action’

Amazon to pay $0 in taxes — for second year in a row!

Dershowitz on McCabe’s 25th Amendment effort: ‘Clearly an attempted coup d’etat’

Court allows House Democrats to join Obamacare defense

Facebook uses its apps to track users it thinks could threaten employees and others

Networks: 2,202 minutes on Russian scandal, zero for ‘no collusion’ report ...

Border bill offers aid, buses, legal shields to migrants

Obvious Truth #42

There seems no limit to the pettiness, mendacity and self-serving behavior that most politicians and government bureaucrats can and often do display. President Trump’s biggest flaw is that he evokes this type of despicable behavior on the part of his political opponents ... instead of inspiring them to reach down for their better 1/10th.

Hell’s Hell

Politics is a very slimy business — two examples:

- It is beginning to appear that Mueller may not issue his long-expected report or that the report, if released, will be a wet fart ... see: NBC Article. This report was meant to show how extensively Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia to win the presidency in 2016. No such evidence has been uncovered or manufactured in this two year witch hunt ... a witch’s hunt which increasingly appears to be meant to cover up for the widespread sleazy illegality in Obama’s DOJ, FBI and CIA.

- The rescue package that a joint committee of Congress put together to avert another government shutdown over the border wall is full of vindictive Pelosi  “land mines” as Trump calls them. Not only is the wall funding offer a paltry $1.375 billion instead of the $5.7 billion requested ... but it also specifies that this border barrier can only be of an older (ineffective) design; all new wall building must be in the Rio Grande valley; localities can override any attempts to build a wall ... and it authorizes $12 billion to be given to the Central American triangle countries who supply most of the welfare “dreamers” who are flooding our open borders ... see: National Review Article. This is like curing a cold with a case of typhus.

Political operatives, when they die and they invariably end up on Hell, are quickly shuffled off to an even more odious punishment — Hell’s Hell — where they are greeted by many of their buddy journalists.


Pelosi’s freshmen fracture amid GOP pressure

Fed Gov. Brainard: ‘Downside risks have definitely increased’ on the economy

McCabe: DOJ discussed removing Trump

Donald Trump watching for ‘landmines’ in compromise

Why is the Hispanic Caucus ignoring Julian Castro?

Broadcom co-founder charged with felony drug trafficking after Las Vegas hotel arrest

Feds collect record individual taxes ...

Poll: Media’s all-out assault on Trump only hurts trust in journalists

Political scandal threatens Trudeau’s second term

Trump demands California return $3.5 billion in funds after state’s ‘disaster’ bullet train project

Retail sales drop the most since ‘09 ...

Rand Paul: Trump won ‘big victory’ with border wall deal

Friday, February 15, 2019

Apolitical Science

It would seem to this observer that there are a number of reasonable and apolitical steps that should be taken by real scientists when investigating the future energy needs of our world:

- For hundreds of million years hydrocarbons (coal, oil, tar and natural gas) were created as a result of plants capturing the energy of the sun and then, through natural forces, storing it underground for our future use. We need to know what might be the sum total of BTUs that were created during this period (a truly huge number) and how much of this energy might be realistically recoverable given probable scientific advances. And what are the possible error boundaries of these estimates?

- How much of this hydrocarbon energy has already been expended since we stopped depending on wood, wind and whale oil ... and how many years, decades or centuries might this energy reservoir sustain the entire world given realistic demographic and per-person usage projections. And what are the possible error boundaries to these estimates?

- Given these estimates and their error boundaries, at what point will the world likely need significant new energy sources and what might these energy sources be? Hydroelectric? Nuclear? Fusion? Tidal? Geothermal? Wind? Solar? or the possible requirement for some new energy technology? What are the possible risks and error boundaries associated with each of these options?

- What are the realistic apolitical economic and social implications of each of these paths to supplying our longer-term energy needs and what are the error boundaries therein?

- What are the chances that this will occur?


Michael Bloomberg’s $500 million anti-Trump moonshot

Mortgage applications drop 3.7% as home buyers pull back

Lawyer: Mueller will say nothing! Will not issue report ...

GOP/Dem border deal, $1.3 billion for wall, less than 60 miles of new barrier

Howard Schultz: ‘I should be paying more taxes’

Growing number of Californians considering fleeing state and blame sky-high costs, survey finds

Explosive new book lifts lid on gay priests in Vatican ... Four in five homosexual?

National debt surpasses $22 trillion

Poll: Voters don’t want another shutdown, are split on border wall

China is going to need more foreign money as its trade surplus dries up, Morgan Stanley says

Senate uncovered no direct evidence of conspiracy between Trump campaign, Russia ...

1.4 million households drop off food stamps

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Cuddly Pet Peeves

As part of my “Looking Back” blog post series, I offer one I wrote in December, 2006: Cuddly Pet Peeves. It is interesting to note how much of our world has changed in just 12+ years. Cell phones have replaced answering machines. Magazines have all but disappeared except in dentist offices.  And email spam has gotten even worse ... as have airline fibs.

Anyhow, I am still miffed by many other new things ... maybe I’ll reveal them in some future blog post?


Negotiators reach deal ‘in principle’ to avert shutdown

Investors take biggest cash position in decade despite market rally

Mexican flags flew at Beto [El Paso] gathering ...

Donald Trump  trying to stop ICE from deporting illegals

Superstar freshman Dems replace Pelosi as GOP targets

Tesla is staking it’s future on China — here’s what it’s up against

$1.375 billion to build 55 miles of new border barriers ...

House Democrats plan vote to criminalize private gun sales this week

Theresa May keeps her advisers in the dark on Brexit

Kevin McCarthy: Pelosi and Democrats caved on Trump’s border barrier demand

Buchanan: Green New Deal is a Dem suicide note ...

China, Turkey war of words over Muslim internment camps

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

You Might Be a Socialist If ...

... You want people who are “unwilling” to work to get government subsidies

... You are going to have, um, a beer ...

... You believe that Kim hasn’t changed his behavior since the Trump summit

... You think polar bears are dying because ice floes are vanishing in the Arctic

... You want to release illegal alien criminals into our general population

... You champion late-term abortions and infanticide

... You think Iran is living up to the strictures of the Obama/Kerry nuclear pact

... You blindly support Mueller and his henchmen in their Trump-Russian witch-hunt

... You secretly are rooting for Venezuela’s Maduro

... You believe that anyone can illegally enter and reside in the U.S. if they want to

... You confuse slaves with indentured servants

... You believe that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes proportionately than native-born Americans

... You claim all Trump tax cuts have gone to companies and the wealthy

... You’re sure the world will end in 12 years unless we Americans eliminate all fossil fuels

... You believe that federal immigration laws should be defied

If you agreed with more than three of these goofy ideas you should give up your family and become an apostle of AOC or Bernie Sanders.

(Thanks to Jeff Foxworthy for this theme.)