Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thanks for Nothing!

One is allowed to speculate about the collapse of  the Hanoi summit with Km Jong Un. My take is that Kim saw Trump as besieged because of the Cohen hearings and thought our president was desperate for a deal ... and concluded he could get a weakened Trump to drop the sanctions.

He was wrong ... and a golden opportunity was sacrificed on the alter of internecine American politics.

Thanks Elijah Cummings and the many spittle-flecked myopic House Democrats who elevated Cohen in this shameful stunt! You have likely traded a huge long-term international win for your short-term petty political advantage.


  1. Yes, the scheduling of the Cohen public spectacle was ill-timed and tawdry. Trump had already signaled his weakness to Kim when he said he'd be happy as long as there was no more testing. Lucy pulled the football away from Charley Brown again!

  2. You are allowed to speculate. The notion that the end of the Korean War and the elimination of NOKO nukes were ripe for harvesting by a confident dealmaker is fantasy. Trump is no diplomat. He wanted them to author and sign a two-page solves-all agreement on the spot. Elijah Cummings has zero to do with the fail. You just backpedaled through the chain of possibilities until you found a liberal as the root cause of the failure. And then stopped. You should have gone one level deeper to the testimonies of that congressional session.
