Monday, February 18, 2019

Presidential Paradox

President Trump is rather unique in that he often brings out the worst in many of his fellow citizenry and allies ...  but then can educe the best in some of our enemies. — Anon.


  1. President Trump is rather unique in that he often insults and diminishes many of his fellow citizens and allies ... but then effusively praises some of our enemies - Chillfin

  2. Agreed, but the question is: are these criticisms legit? Note he doesn’t disparage his country like Obama and Biden. And his praise of China, Kim, etc. probably are just flattery.

  3. Flatter everyone while advancing your agenda... or criticize everyone to position yourself as ahead.

    How can you say that Trump does not disparage his country? He clearly has contempt for its institutions, its constitution, its natural resources, and its people's health and welfare. He loves power and money. Or is it money and power?
