Friday, November 23, 2018


If you think President Trump is dismissive of world leaders, watch President Obama call the G-20 leaders, his US Senate colleagues, his Illinois Senate colleges and the local Chicago aldermen  "jamokes"  (clumsy ineffectual doofuses) ... The American Mirror Story and Video.

I realize it is rather futile to point out that, had Trump been so disparaging of such peers, he would be keel-hauled by the media (even FOX).

I think that the world is now obsessed with style and could give not a twit for substance anymore. Perhaps we are all ... except the chosen one ... jamokes?


  1. Dimitri6:42 PM

    Kudos, Comrade. The Center loves it when you cite biased and inaccurate "news" sources like the american, to deride Trump's predecessor. This diverts attention from DJT's moronic tweets.

    1. My reference was for the video alone. Did you watch it? Did the American Mirror somehow doctor Obama's words?
