Friday, November 23, 2018


Stalemate on Trump's wall and threat of shutdown

A $9 trillion corporately  debt bomb is 'bubbling' in US economy

[Chief Justice] Roberts criticizes Trump for 'Obama judge' comment ...

Tesla New York factory built wall to hide idle production line

GOP Senators seek quick passage of Mexico-Canada trade deal

Economists see the Trump economy slowing drastically next year before a possible recession in 2020

USA, SKorea to scale back major military exercise ...

Consumer sentiment down ahead of shopping season

House GOP leaders dodge final-hour earmarks fight

Warning to Americans, Canadians: Don't ear Romaine lettuce

TESLA 'Gigafactory 2' mostly empty ... built with $70 million in taxpayer funds ...

Report: Facebook hires top antitrust lawyer to 'go to war' with Trump administration

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