Saturday, November 03, 2018


Farmers are losing money thanks to Trump -- but they still support him

Gold buying by central banks hits its highest level in almost three years

October jobs: +250K ... Wage gains strongest since 09 ...

Clapper: Trump 'seemingly condones' radical anti-Semitism

Bolton praises Brazil's Bolsonaro as a 'like-minded' friend

Young Americans signal record turnout for midterm elections, reject Trump, GOP: Poll

NYT: Nationalism is breaking point for some suburban voters ...

Macron lashes out as popularity tumbles to all-time low

Trump: Trade talks with China 'moving along nicely'

Apple now has $237.1 billion in cash on hand

Cook: Dems gain 30-40 [House] seats ...

Oprah involves lynching, opression in campaign speech

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