Saturday, November 03, 2018

Brother's Keeper?

How about 100 brothers?

There is a cockamamie idea bubbling up on the left ... and that is that the United States, in order to stop immigrant caravans from Central America, needs to fix the economies of a El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala ... much like we have slowed the illegal migration from Mexico because of NAFTA.

This lefty rationale is somewhat true. The United States has hollowed out much of middle America in manufacturing in order to help create a middle class in Mexico which, in turn, has reduced the border jumpers from that country.

So, using this as a prototype, our bubble heads on the left argue that we should repeat more of our bloodletting now to lift Central America out of poverty. What then would be next ... Venezuela? Argentina? Peru? Cuba?  Bangladesh? Afghanistan? Where does it stop? Of course, we would then be cursed as being colonialists.

It is now estimated that 1/3rd of all Salvadorans already reside in the United States (along with many MS-13 members and their supporters) ... and, on top of foreign aid, legal and illegal aliens send some $60 billion in remittances back to Mexico, Central and South America annually  ... already significantly propping up many of these corrupt narco-republics.

So what is the limit of our responsibilities to our neighbors ... particularly when it costs so much of our own well being? Amid we end up being hated in the process? Are wee all of these brothers' keeper?

Not if it costs us our country in the process ...

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