Friday, August 24, 2018


Cohen says he paid hush money at candidate Trump's direction

Fed Chairman Powell assured senator he is not swayed by Trump's criticism

7.3 mag quake shakes Venezuela ...

Tom Cotton/ Mollie Tibbits would be alive if immigration laws were 'seriously enforced'

NAFTA 'handshake' deal with Mexico targeted for Thursday

Michael Cohen would not accept pardon from President Trump, lawyer Lanny Davis says

Xi says Internet must be 'clean and rightous' ...

Report: Goldman Sachs loses big in billion-dollar Venezuela gamble

Trump on death of Mollie Tibbits: It 'sloulf have never happened'

Magnitude 6.3 offshore quake hits west of Oregon

Trump-backed candidate loses in Wyoming gov race ...

Omarosa: 'This is the beginning of the end of Donald Trump'

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