Friday, August 24, 2018

Bitter Medicine

Prior to November, 2016 this country had many maladies -- surging illegal immigration, a sluggish economy, hugely unbalanced trade, rogue nations threatening nuclear war, a crumbling infrastructure, a drug crisis and a partisan bureaucracy that refused to recognize these problems ... in fact was actively working in many cases to make them worse. The American people saw how sick their nation was and over 63 million of them opted for a promised  remedy, Donald Trump.

Now Donald Trump was the medicine ... although he recognized these diseases and swore to fix them ... he was foul tasting --  serial  brashly insulting, of loose morals, funny looking vainglorious and prone to exaggeration. Nevertheless many American were willing to swallow this bitter medicine if it meant that their country would be cured ... made great again if you will.

But many Americans were not so willing to go along with this cure. You know who they are ... they call themselves the Resistance.  Although they may have sensed some of our ailments, they wanted the medicine to taste like strawberry ice cream. It doesn't work that way people. If we are going to survive and prosper, we need to purge ourselves of the toxins that have accumulated over the last half century. Like grown-ups, we need to take our bitter medicine.


  1. Did you really write this schlock or did you copy it from Kellyanne's notebook? Remember how you bridled when Obama said the people must "Eat your peas." And now you are lecturing us about bitter medicine.
    Don't look now, but we still have a drug crisis, the infrastructure is still crumbling, the rogue nations are still pursuing nuclear weapons, the vibrant economy (eight year bull market) that DJT inherited is still surging, except where he has ruined the market for US soy beans and raised the cost of any thing made with steel and aluminum, and has sponsored a shameful treatment of refugees. Wow, great cure!
    Most honest Americans realize a terrible mistake was made in 2016. This will start to be fixed in upcoming elections.

    1. Pay attention ... I've said this before. In 8 years Obama increased the debt ny $10 trillion ... and the Fed increased the money supply be $3"5 trillion. Yet the best GDP growth he could ger was 2%. Although Trump is running deficits at about the same rate (mostly because of tax cuts) and the Fed is REDUCING the money supply by hundreds of billions his GDP growth is at least twice BO's.

    2. Are yousugesting that we of bild ilthe wall?

  2. But we have that big beautiful wall... not. And that beautiful replacement for Obamacare that is much better and cost much less... not. We do have big beautiful coal so we can return to its lung problems, and pollution to make America grimy again. All rather bitter medicine.

    1. I'm not going to change your mind .. nor you, mine. So throw away the CNN script.

    2. DJT himself said that he would immediately build a wall. Fact. Ann Coulter expected it to start on day 1:
      As of today, no wall at all. Fact.

    3. DJT said he and his minions had a better cheaper health plan. Where is it? Even a draft of it?

    4. Trump’s EPA reports this month on the proposal for governing coal-burning power plants. Particulate pollution (PM 2.5) emitted from coal-burning plants is stated on the EPA website that these can cause things like asthma, decreased lung function, and "premature death in people with heart or lung disease." Just collateral loss for the good of the GDP.

    5. I have been watching Fox and Friends regularly to get the feel of its tone. They constantly restate that Dems/liberals/progressives HATE America. They always weave in a few low blows to Obama, Hillary, and Bill. It is noteworthy that Biden, Dubya, Cheney, McCain, and Palin are not referenced at all.

      I do not watch CNN. Is it a good source for alternative facts?

  3. Ann Coulter last month as reported on Breitbart:

  4. Fox and Friends sucks. Watch Marie Barteromo on Fox Business. Ann Coulter is like Brylcreme ... A little dab'll do ya.

  5. So not just Fox. Not F&F? Not Hannity or Cavuto or Waters or or Ingraham or Carlson? Do you mean “Maria Bartiromo”? Why?

    If not Coulter, who is a reliable conservative non-Fox columnist?

    1. Howie Carr. I have started watching Tucker ... but still watch CNBC and MSNBC when my stomach is strong enough. Brett Bair give a pretty straigh news roundup.

  6. How can you tell that a news program is a "straight news roundup"? Carr is a Breitbart contributor, a distinctly right-wing news source. And his current "Deplorables Show" has Ann Coulter on the ads. So fair and balanced seems questionable IMHO.

    1. If one is cursed by association ... then what about Shapptons's dozens of Obama sit downs? Rev. Wright? BLM?

    2. You had to bring Obama in again! We were trying to pin down what is a truly reliable source of news. Newsmakers such as Trump and Obama cannot be commentators on their own news. And association is not as telling as alliance. If Howie Carr contributed to the NYT and had Liz Warren on tour with him, would you assume that his commentaries would be less of a “straight news roundup”?

    3. Truth shines through the purposeful haze of politics ... egs: Dershowitz and Liberman. Even Liz Watten has an occasional lapse of accidental truthfulness. Howie Carr has a excellent memory which makes him able to point out the BS on the left and even ocasionly on the right.
