Sunday, May 06, 2018

Voting Age

Why would anyone want to lower the voting age to 16? They don't even know how to tie their shoes -- Janina Wanda Cirocki


  1. I agree. We should raise the voting age to 30 when people become sensible, and cap it at 65, so retired geezers can't vote themselves more benefits.

  2. Unlike other welfare recipients, we geezers have prepaid forr our benefits.

  3. I believe you should be able to vote after 65 but that Congresspersons should have to retire at 70. And that the Supreme Court justices have one reasonably long term, say 15 years.

  4. Most geezers with multiple health issues are costing a lot more than they paid in. There should be a threshold for life time medical expenditure. Once you pass the threshold you are put on an ice floe and left to be devoured by wolves.
