Sunday, May 06, 2018

Double Secret Probation

Dean Vernon Wormer once  imposed Double Secret Probation on the Animal House in that classic movie by the same name. Now the Justice Department's Mueller team is claiming the same sort of gobbledygook applies to the "scope memo" that defines the original limits of the Trump-Russia collusion special investigation. Fortunately Judge T.S. Ellis wants to see for himself if Mueller has exceeded his authority in his prosecution of Manafort for bank fraud and money laundering.

The DOJ is claiming to  Judge Ellis and to Congress that this scope memo is secret because it contains national security issues ... maybe "double national security issues," but I doubt if the American people are going to tolerate such an unfettered mandate in what every day becomes clearer what it really is -- an effort to "take down a duly-elected president" to paraphrase Judge Ellis.

As Allan Dershowitz and many others repeatedly complain ... this is criminalizes politics and thus undermines the very foundations of our Republic. It is Mueller and his posse of Clinton contributors that needs to be investigated.


  1. Taking the risk of repeating myself, what transpired was an elegant use of Facebook users to reveal every little thing about themselves which provided, at first, marketers to micro target prospects, and then PACs to deep dive into micro stimulating likely voters. There is lot of Russian slush and influence, but as Zuckerberg admits, he created Skynet, a global linked data monopoly coming unto its own. No matter how much they try to throttle it back, it still grows.

  2. You and Fox esp. Hannity cannot get past Clinton fixation. What is she actively doing?Still combing through those emails? You are aware that the Trump posse has many private servers for files and emails that traffic POTUS business. So let Hillary and Bill have their dotage drinking wine in the suburbs and playing with the grandkids. I think her greatest regret is that the Mercers who founded Cambridge Analytica didn’t stop when their business with the Cruz PAC stalled out.

    1. I did not vote for Trump because of Russia or Cambridge Analytica. I voted for Trump because of Hillary.

  3. THe secret sauce that CA foisted was as much to discredit Hillary as it was to promote Trump, a much harder task. They did it so well that now, some 600 days later, you still admit that you had to close eyes and hold your nose to vote for Trump while Hillary should still go to jail for... something.

    1. I actually have been pleasantly surprised with Trump. And his "something" is a bagatelle compared to Hillary's.
