Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Liberal Privilege

Who can continually invent virtue signals yet call for the death of their opponents, drone on about impeaching them, continually misquote them, cook up cockamamie conspiracy theories about them, tag them with every "ists" there is, stage demonstrations outside their homes without consequences, steal and reveal their financial records, use the power of the government to try to distroy them, decide which laws need to be obeyed, suppress free speech when they feel like it, fulminate violent protests in order to depress dissent, tax and regulate their opponents into submission, encourage illegal voting to stay in power, concoct "legal" ways to launder money, reward bad behavior by voting blocs, paper over sexual crimes by their supporters, broom egregious crimes within their tribe, lie with impunity, openly disparage their country, abet foreign enemies, revel in their own self-importance ... and feel they are forever "entitled?"

Why it's Liberals ... that's who! (You knew it all along')


  1. Boy, you sure make them sound like a truckload of deplorables. (I think this post would illustrate some kind of logical fallacy: Falsely ascribing the undesirable behavior of a very few individuals to a large diverse group.

    1. Not every liberal has to perform each of these perfidious deeds ... but covering for them, excusing them or encouraging them is still deplorable.

    2. Most of the Liberals I know eschew perfidy, neither excusing nor encouraging it. Trump-swabs are the least patriotic citizens, willing to countenance the deplorable behavior of the most dishonest and ignorant person ever to be elected to an office more important than dog-catcher.

    3. This comment is self-supporting ...

  2. Your image represents your segment as all women, nearly all white. Was that intentional?

    1. And they all used to love Morgan Freeman ...

  3. morgan freeman says that had a tendency to flatter women... nice outfit, I like what you did with your hair, you look sharp today. Seems that’s verboten too—for men.
