Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Dems grit their teeth and cheer for Trump on North Korea

Trump may reportedly lift US sales ban on ZTE [phones]

Iced latte: Starbucks says drug use, sleeping unacceptable ...

China's Navy will double size of U.S. Navy by 2030

Grassley seeks DOJ documents on officials' contacts with dossier author

People are selling their royal wedding gift bags on EBay

Human race just 0.01% of all life -- but has eradicated most other living things ...

DHS official: 'In one week, Democrats chose to defend' Hamas, MS-13

Obamas cut deal with Netflix

Goldman Sachs: Fiscal outlook for US 'is not good'

Pope shock: OK to be gay ...

John Brennan threatens Ryan, McConnell for 'enabling' Trump

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