Thursday, May 10, 2018


"Consensus is the negation of leadership," -- Margaret Thatcher

Strong, effective leaders are rare ... and too often devolve into dictators.  Because Donald Trump is a strong leader who is increasingly effective, many on the Left have taken the illogical leap into calling him a dictator ... a Facist ... and, of course, Mussolini. Now Trump has his flaws .... a serial insulter ... quite vainglorious ... a bit of a Lothario ... and tending toward exaggeration and vacillation.. But, I do believe that he is a patriot and a very fair distance away from being a despot. There are many things he could have done to send up warning flares of autocratic behavior. He has shown very few of such red flags.

Robust leadership is often reflected, for good or evil, in thousands of ways in the daily lives of the people. These people become tiny clones of their leader. Clearly the Trump Derangement Syndrome seems a manifestation of this tendency. Many in the media, politics. sports and entertainment fields have taken on some of Trump's baser tendencies ... without offering the sweetmeats that come with his less tasty gruel. Marco Rubio tried this "go-low" tactic during the presidential debates to his everlasting regret. I suspect that many of the lightweight never-Trumpers mentioned above may suffer the same fate. (Are you listening Schneiderman?)


  1. They thought Hitler was a Great Leader too. He was a patriot. a liar. Vainglorious. Hated any negative news. I know you don't like the similarities, but they are there. (I really Hope I am wrong).

  2. When Trump reviews the military parade he craves, if he is wearing a general's uniform... with lots of gold braids... you'll know that is a warning flare.

    1. It he doesn't wear one, CNN will Photoshop one on him ...

  3. ...or Fox and Friends.
