Sunday, March 11, 2018


Trump meeting with Kim could signal major thaw in nuclear standoff

A $10,000 bet on Amazon at the market bottom 9 years ago would be worth $250,000 today

FACEBOOK DROPPING: 24% drop in user time spent ...

Boom: U.S. adds 313.000 jobs in February

Interior spent $139K on Zinke office doors

Tesla CEO Rlon Musk's 'unprecedented' $2.6 billion compensation too high, advisers say

Even millenials starting to hate social media ...

Study: American taxpayers gave $1.5 billion to abortion providers

Playbook scoop: [Liz] Warren goes after Kushner Companies loans

The last two times North Korea said it was giving up its nukes, it was lying

Obama goes Hollywood: To produce Netflix shows ...

Elon Musk sides with Trump on trade with China, citing 25% import duty on American cars

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