Sunday, February 04, 2018

The Rift

Just saw Leon Panetta on Chris Wallace's show this morning concerning the current dust-up over the FISA memo. Panetta's primary message was decrying the extreme partisanship that has crept into our governing process of late (right before he himself ended with some partisan comments).

My reaction to Panetta's concern -- if extreme partisanship is now the norm in Washington ... could this be the consequence of Obama's eight years at the helm? And, if you agree with my suspicion, what did B.H.O. do to effect this rift?

I think I know the answer, but I would rather you figure it out for yourself.


  1. Yes and no. Rush Limbaugh as the purported head of the the GOP declared that anything Obama endorsed would be opposed, introducing the party of NO.

  2. Rush (and I haven't listened to him in years) was not head of thev stablishment GOP ... so B.O. still managed to transform (remember "change") much of America ... and almost everything within the executive branch.

  3. Chill is right. McConnell vowed to make O a one term president. Haters joined arms against him, forced him to use tricks to get things done. (Obamacare might have been better if GOP cooperated.)

  4. It actually goes back to evil (and heartless) Dick Cheney castigating Obama and riling the conservative base. He is probably responsible for the now-failed Tea Party uprising. Richest VP in History!

    1. He has a ew heart. Your comment is quixotic.

    2. I thought he was still on the pump. My error. So the double entendre didn't work. Still, he did shoot a guy in the face. That's a heartless thing to do, (plus starting the Iraq war over fake WMD.)

  5. I agree if what you mean by "tricks" are extra-Constitutional edicts and the weaponizing of exec. depts. (IRS, DOJ, EPA, FBI, CIA, etc.) to destroy the opposition. Are the Dems. obstructing in an equivalent way now?

  6. At least Obama didn't accuse people who didn't rise in adulation for his SOTU speeches as being unpatriotic and treasonous.

    1. He just gave them the one finger salute ...
