Sunday, February 04, 2018


Even if you take the Nunes memo seriously, it makes no sense

Dow plunges 666 points, suffers worst week in 2 years

Trump approval pops to 49% ...

Poll: Only 16% of Americans rooting for Patriots to win ...

Russian probe lawyers think Mueller could indict Trump

Trump Nuclear Posture Review shows greater willingness to use nukes first, say critics

Pentagon ends Obama-era push to reduce nuke arsenal ...

WH shows 15 jihadis who got visas via lottery or chain migration

Nunes: Deputy AG Rosenstein will have a 'long career'

North Korea earned $200 million from banned exports, sends arms to Syria. Myranmar, UN report

Russia 'developing' undersea nuclear-armed torpedo ...

Trump to Democrats: Compromise on immigration now or get nothing after election

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