Saturday, January 13, 2018


Trump rebuffs Dreamers deal reached by senators

Trump accuses prominent Democrat [Schiff] of leaking details of Russian probe

Tensions mount as [Chinese] authorities blow up megachurch ...

Puntin: Kim Jong-un 'a shrewd and mature politician'

Pelosi: 'Five white guys' leading DACA negotiations should open a 'hamburger stand'

Sen. Durbin says the term 'chain migration' is actually racist

WSJ: Trump lawyer arranged $130,000 payment for adult-film star silence ...

Trump keeps Iran nuclear deal ... Issues more Iran sanctions ...

Heartland Democrats to Washington: You're killing us

Mnuchin wants to make sure 'bad people can't use [cryptocurrencies] to do bad things'

Worst flu in 13 years,  hospitals ban visitors

... Ryan will not attach DACA to stop-gap spending bill ...

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