Monday, January 08, 2018


Joe and Mika had the author of the hour, Michael Wolff, on their show this AM ... and the bottom line of this tête-à-tête -a-tet was that Trump is in the early stages of dementia. The rationale for this conclusion was that Trump keeps repeating himself. Now anyone who watches Trump at all realizes that, yes, he often does this ("No collusion! No collusion!") at every opportunity.

But, what struck me as most interesting about this interview was that Wolff and both Mika and Joe kept repeating this dementia accusation about every thirty seconds. Does this mean that these three anti-Trumpers are going into mental decline?


  1. Wolff is amazingly credible. I'm alarmed.

    1. On Morning Joe, Wolff was as oily as a BBQ sandwich. Even Low IQ Mika was pointing out his sloppy journalism. (I do know you are pulling my leg.)

    2. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I agree he looks oily, but I have a good shit detector - (maybe the best shit detector of anyone who watches tv!) - and I think Wolff was shooting straight. The truth will be vetted in the next few weeks. Should be interesting. Related question: Do you think President Pence will pardon DJT? #25thammendment. And will President Winfrey pardon Pence?

    3. The Wolff book story will sink under the waves by this coming weekend ... no sh*t. If Oprah runs, she will win at most 4 states. Trump will see out this term and, possibly, a next one.
