Sunday, November 05, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from The Daily Caller?

U.S. officials fear North Korea will greet Trump with missile test

North Korea cries over sanctions, begs world to save them from destruction

Spain issues arrest warrant for Catalan leader ...

[David] Brooks on Brazile DNC allegations: 'Our elites really do stink'

Neighbor charged with assaulting [Senator] Rand Paul

US mission to Somalia orders American staff to leave Mogadishu

Republicans quietly revise tax bill to INCREASE rates over time ...

Saudi Arabia intercepts missile targeting main airport

New U.S. climate report at odds with Trump policy

Saudi Arabia ousts ministers, arrests princes and former officials in anti-corruption sting

Mueller braces for challenges to his authority

Surge Bannon on illegal immigration: Globalist corporations want cheap labor, Left wants cheap votes

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