Saturday, November 04, 2017


All from Internet news sites. guess which from CNBC?

Trump challanges Justice Dept. independence

Republicans' hidden 46% tax bracket?

Netflix cuts ties with Kevin Spacey after sexual misconduct allegations

Report: Tesla shares crash over end of electric car tax break ...

ANTIFA rallies planned in at least 20 U.S. cities

Democrats still toxic in rural America

28 year-old's company makes millions buying on Walmart and selling on Amazon

Bergdahl avoids prison time ...

500,000 foreign nationals win 'visa lottery' since 2005

Pelosi moves to muzzle Trump impeachment talk

Report: Carter Page testified before Mueller grand jury, met with Russian official during campaign

Bam! Brazile breaks silence: Hillary rigged race ...

... visa lottery chain migration imported 5 million foreigners since 1994

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