Tuesday, October 03, 2017


The Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock, had to have had a motive for his horrendous act ... even if it has not yet become uncovered. He has lived a very unorthodox, itinerant life ... leaping from ice floe to ice floe ... but leaving not a lot of obvious clues. Still, searching for his motivation,  it is helpful to understand what he has been up to. Here follows a reasonably good piece of random journalism ... what reporters have so far uncovered about Paddock ... see: Washington Post Profile. He was pretty much of a successful loner ... very organized in his disorganized way. He was a high-stakes gambler, a property manager, an accountant, a real estate speculator, and, at the end, a mass murderer. So what was behind this evil act?

Like a previous mass killer, did he have a brain tumor?

Was he an anti-Trumper?

Had he really become a soldier of ISIS?

Did he lose all his millions gambling?

Was he on anti-depressants?

Did his girlfriend jilt him for a country music star?

Did his suicide note, giving his reasons, blow out the open window?

Or just maybe he was inspired by Jean Paul Sartre's existentialism and had no motive? And 59 people gave up their lives because of a gratuitous act?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the movie "The Accountant" inspired him.
