Wednesday, October 04, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

OJ's last defender -- F. Lee Bailey -- is broke, disbarred and working above a hair saloon

Trump says 'We'll be talking about gun laws,' as Bannon frets

Catalan president urges Brussels to mediate in independence clash ...

Flash: USA expels Castro-era diplomats fro Cuban embassy [in Washington]

NRA goes dark after Vegas massacre

Boom: Facebook admits that users didn't see Russia-linked ads until AFTER election

Chinese military documents reveal secret plan to invade Taiwan by 2020 ...

Update: Marseilles terrorist avoided deportation day before attack

Senate Judiciary leaders denied access to CIA material on Russian meddling

New poll reveals majority of Americans still support Columbus Day

Britain limits acid sales after steep rise in attacks ...

Alabama poll: Roy Moore +8

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