Monday, September 04, 2017

Some Obvious Observations

If the United State could inflict devastating punishment on North Korea for their nuclear belligerence (without starting WW III), Iran might have second thoughts about its quest for atomic weaponry.

The Democrats' real objective after Obamacare was not just 'single payer' but 'single provider' too.

Trump is ever so slowly adjusting to his role as president. We occasionally are seeing glimpses of his incipient liberal tendencies.

Possibly Obama's most grievous failure as president (and there were many) was putting America's missile defense system on the back burner.

The Democrat party has a very thin bench of moderates. Most of its younger hopefuls are unacceptably radicalized.

Hillary Clinton and her band of media outlaws, by demonizing Russia as the reason for her defeat, have possibly removed the Kremlin as a natural ally in the war against radical jihadism and in reining in North Korea.

If protectionism causes world-wide depressions, why hasn't China, the second largest economy in the world, with its onerous import policies, tripped this wire?

Global warming alarmists are losing their propaganda war primarily because their dire predictions are not coming to pass. The world is slowly waking up to this massive fraud and those, who refuse to admit the folly of their ways, are getting even more desperately strident in their rhetoric.

China is gradually losing its advantage as a mercantile giant and, unless it can add a new engine for growth, runs the risk of having all its bad bank loans pull the country into a Japan-like economic morass.

Cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin) , in as few as ten years, could bring about the next source of world-wide economic collapse.

Elon Musk will NOT have landed, as promised, anyone on Mars by the end of 2018 ... or even by 2020.


  1. "unacceptably radicalized" That's exactly how I feel about Tea Partiers.
    The phrase "band of media outlaws" is just talking ragtime BS.

    1. Just two objections? I must be getting better ...

  2. A few things...
    - Our action movies portray a military that can do precise strikes.
    --- Why don't we drop a small targeted EMP bombs over the NK missile locations?
    --- Why are we testing missile intercept systems? Haven't we been paying $B for this kind of tech for decades?
    --- Why are Navy ships tooling around the Pacific shipping lanes in "invisible" mode? we are not on a war time footing.

    -- You do have failure wish for Elon Musk. Here is a South African guy delivering people and goods to the space labs and saving the launch modules by landing them on barges. For less money than NASA could imagine...

    -- Don't expect too much from cryptocurrencies. Hold on to your gold.

    -- There is a reality between man causing global warming and nothing is happening. That is the natural evolution of climate which has melted the polar ice cap and will raise water levels. That will change tides, currents, and ocean life in ways that will emerge in coming years.

    -- Trump is still a buffoon.

    1. you win the prize for the longest comment to date! But [un]fortunately the polar ice caps aren't melting. And although Trump is somewhat boobish, he still gets more done than our pur previous melon head.

    2. Trump gets more done in rescinding well-considered policies. As for moving the ball forward, not so much.

  3. NASA says that the polar ice extent is shrinking:
    Sothere is that...

  4. And NASA has jiggered its own climate data ...

  5. I guess you cannot believe anyone except The Donald. Long live The Donald !!
