Monday, September 04, 2017

La La Land

The responsibility of state governments is protecting their citizens from criminals and mayhem, building and maintaining certain infrastructure, spending taxpayers' funds in a fiscally responsible manner, executing plans to ameliorate potential natural disasters (floods, droughts, wildfires, earthquakes, etc.), higher educating their children, and working to otherwise better the lives of their citizens. California falls down on most of these fronts. Recent history shows that it cannot plan and execute solutions to at least four of these duties, fiscal responsibility, wildfire dangers, droughts and protecting its citizenry.

In this blog posting I will first focus on just one of these failings ... reducing the dangers of wildfires. Quite a while ago I wrote here about how totally ineptly California handled the natural danger of wildfires there ... see: California Burning. And now, eight years later, nothing seems to have changed. Los Angeles and surroundings are in the midst of the worst wildfires ever, requiring untold millions of dollars to keep more houses from burning down ... see: LA Times Article.These. same millions,  if they had been better spent on preventative measures, could have possibly averted this crisis.

Instead Governor Moonbeam and the liberal California establishment have focused their energies and shrinking discretionary funds on most everything else ... protecting illegal aliens, gun control, transgender everything, globalism, diversity and inclusion training, fighting global warming, etc.  -- the primary responsibilities of state governments, as listed above, have taken a back seat to the liberal agenda. Is it planning for the next drought? No. Is it really protecting its citizenry from imported criminals? No. Is it taking preventive measures against future wildfires? No. Is it on a path to fiscal sanity? No. I'm not even sure it is spending much effort in preparing for the next big earthquake,

And they want to secede from the Union! This really is La La Land ...

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