Tuesday, September 12, 2017


If hurricane Harvey's brawn validated global warming claims, does hurricane Irma's relative impotency abrogate them?


  1. Explain the impotency to the residents of Barbuda, St. Maarten/St. Martin, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, not to mention the Florida Keys. I agree that the weather porn on cable TV was overdone, but you cannot pretend that it wasn't a dangerous Cat5+ storm.

    1. Im my other post on this subject, I excluded the Caribbean (inc. Fla keys) from Irma's impotency.

    2. Stevie Wonder says those who do not see global warming occurring "have to be blind." (TRUE)

    3. So you excluded any data that did not prove your claim. That sounds like the epitome of "fake news."

  2. Irma did trash the islands. But I find it interesting in a Three Little Pigs way that the scenes of devastation are generally old trailer parks, car parks, and marinas full of small boats. The big ships and the concrete buildings are apparently much less worthy of coverage after the storm. Except of course, the bacchanal while holing up in Richard Branson's wine cellar.
