Tuesday, September 12, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which from Politico?

Bannon plotting primaries against slate of GOP incumbents

Bannon: Comey firing was 'biggest mistake in modern political history'

Australians face coldest night in 45 years ...

Nearly half of U.S. men who dropped out of workforce on opioid painkillers

Merkel: Europe needs coherent foreign policy

Hillary stands by her 'deplorables' remark

NFL Hell: Opening weekend sees more Stars-Spangled Banner protests ...

Maher: Time for Hillary to 'get in the Winnebego' and do 'whatever older white people do'

McCain: 'Every life has to end one way or another'

Bannon worries Trump's DACA decision could cost Republicans the House

Nordstrom tries stores without merchandise ...

Bannon: I hold Bush admin 'geniuses' in complete contempt

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