Saturday, September 23, 2017


"It's a small world after all."

The Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill met my requirement for passage -- the healthcare insurance companies didn't like it. This meant that they were hit in the pocketbook which then meant that, overall, healthcare costs might go down. So what happened in our country of small people, which I now call Lilliput? Why, a prominant Lilliputian, John McCain, said he was voting "no" (out of spite) which probably kills things.

The king of Lilliput, Donald Trump is calling that North Korean dough boy, Kim Jong Un, names. And this pastry midget is taunting Trump back.

It is difficult to find one world politician these days acting like a grownup ... including that woman who lost the last US presidential election. The entire Democrat party and most of the media are throwing spitballs at their president ... and staying awake nights inventing new insults for him. And he, of course, returns the favors on Twitter. Everything is petty and small. No one is acting the statesman. Even our next generation, the snowflakes, melt at the slightest dog-whistle insult.

We are a nation of little people ... a world of little people ... Lilliputians.

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