Saturday, September 23, 2017


All from Internet news sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

Trump aides begin looking for the exits

North Korea warns it may detonate an H-bomb in the Pacific

Bye bye summer ... snow month early ...

Graham: Healthcare bill will get 50 GOP votes, plus a couple of Democrats

Obamacare repeal has 'worst elements' of earlier efforts

Ellen: Trump 'too dangerous' to be on my show

Uber banned in London ...

Rouhani defends Iran nuke deal at U.N., calls Trump speech 'ignorant'

Trump announces new crackdown on North Korea trade

Nearly 30% of public school teachers 'chronically' skipping classes, study says

Weekend: Merkel takes on hard-right in final voter push ...

Coulter: They don't call it 'the great tweet of China'

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