Friday, August 25, 2017


All from Internet new sites. Guess which from Politico?

Kelly moves to control the information Trump sees

Violent leftist group vows to 'shut down' Berkeley March against Marxism

Hurricane warning Texas, 30 inches of rain?

UNICEF: 'Appaling increase' in use of girls as 'human bombs' in Nigeria

Trump meets with Flake challengers before Phoenix rally

WSJ editor told his reporters to stick to the facts, so they leaked his e-mails

Car plows thru Trans Lives Matter protest ...

Wrapped: Charlottesville covers Confederate statues in black

California Democrats lead attack on Trump's mental health

ACLU apologizes for tweeting photo of white baby with US flag

Venice mayor orders cops to shoot anyone who shouts 'Allahu Akbar'

... Trump: We'll probably end up terminating NAFTA ...

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