Saturday, August 26, 2017


All found on Internet news sites. Guess which ones on Politico?

 Texas, 110-mph winds, 35+ inches of rain

White House yielding to Congress on tax derails

Armed ANTIFA group calls for revolution, seizing property and violence against police

Report: Kim Jong Un killed uncle, half-brother to foil Chinese coup plot

[Gov.] LePage: Collins highly unlikely to win GOP [Maine] gubernatorial primary

Analysis finds Affirmative Action may not be helping black students

3.700-year-old Babylonian tablet rewrites history of math ...

More corruption uncovered in Clinton Health Initiative

Web hosting company ordered to turn over information on anti-Trump website

Baltimore officials admit change in policing played a role in high homicide rate

Next target: Dolly Parton's 'Civil War themed dinner theater'

Barcelona mastermind was supposed to be deported -- judge blocked it

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