Thursday, July 27, 2017


All from Internet hews sites. Guess which ones from Politico?

Sessions' powerful friends stand up to Trump

Clean Obamacare repeal fails in the Senate

Michelle O: Some never saw past 'my skin color' ...

Grassley warns Trump: No more Attorney Generals [sic] this year ...

Dems to GOP: No amendments until we see your [healthcare] bill

Report/ Trump banned transgenders to stop Congress fighting over it

CBO: 15 million would opt out of Obamacare --if they could!

Israel caves, removes metal detectors from Temple Mount ...

Trump's transgender ban is a legal land mine

Imran Awan turns to long-time Clinton associated ate for legal help

Bannon: Let's raise taxes [on the rich]!

House Judiciary Committee approves effort to investigate Comey, Lynch ...

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