Thursday, July 27, 2017

Awan to be Alone

OK ... let's take some bank fraud, money laundering, possible blackmail of Congressmen, likely kickbacks, a suspicious bankruptcy, e-mail hacking, espionage, stealing, double billing, aiding and abetting of terrorism, etc., etc. ... mix it all together with a high-level cover up ... sounds like a pretty juicy [Democrat] scandal,for our MSM right? Nope ... not when you spend all your reportage on how the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to defeat the incorruptible Hillary Clinton for president ... which, to date, has resulted in dozens of dead ends.

This story has been around since at least February, but its only coverage to speak of has been in a few on-line news sites, the NY Post and Fox News. It involves the Awans, three Pakistani brothers, and two wives who all worked in IT for Democrat House representatives ... each earning the maximum of $160,000 per annum for mostly no-show jobs. The other shenanigans that this quintet were involved in will curl your hair. But rather than recanting all of them here, I suggest you read it in this synopsis: The Biggest Scandal You Never Heard Of. And the oldest Awan brother was just arrested trying to flee the country after wiring hundreds of thousands of dollars back to Pakistan. Some of the others have already slipped out.

To view part of the cover-up efforts in this case go to: Powerline Blog

Will this scandal grow so large as to eclipse Russia-gate like it clearly should? Not if the MSM, the Deep State, Comey and Mueller  have anything to say about it. Priorities are priorities after all!

You now get an inkling of why Trump has changed "swamp" to "sewer" when describing Washington.

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