Thursday, April 13, 2017

White Privilege

Dave Chappelle as a white

An University of Minnesota residence hall pointed out to those students who might not have understood "white privilege" exactly what this term entails. On a bulletin board there was listed the eleven signs that someone is enjoying this WASPish deference ... see: Campus Reform Item. The scribe of these race differentials says that "whites" can always find the food that they grew up with ... or use credit cards without suspicion ... or not have coworkers assume they got their job because of their race.

Did these eleven statements fully define this term? Have they mined the entire mother lode of this list of ethnic advantages? No, all ye Bannon wannabes ... far from it. So I have decided to fill out this prejudicial dossier with my expanded list the real white privileges:

- You can sit at the back of the bus without concern or a sense of history.

- You can attend a Blue Lives Matter rally on MLK's birthday.

- You feel free to display a poster of Clarence Thomas in your dorm room.

- You get a full-ride scholarship to Howard University.

- You can eat fried chicken and watermelon at a church picnic without a second thought about it.

- If no one of color is nearby, you needn't pay for any periodical at a news stand (thanks to Dave Chappelle for this one).

 -You never get a traffic summons for a broken headlight.

- You are allowed to go through a "12 or under" line at the supermarket with 28 items

But, most of all, "white privilege" isn't even in your lexicon ...

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