Friday, April 14, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites. Guess which ones came from Politico?

Trump is resettling Syrian refugees at a much quicker pace than Obama

Michigan capital votes to stop calling itself  'sanctuary city' ...

Spring: Trump approval hits 48%

Weekend: Turks vote to give Erdogan sweeping new powers ...

Trump eyes climate skeptic for key White House environmental post

CEO's steering Trump away from Bannon's hardcore policies

[Trump admin] Expected to return 4,000 Somali migrants ...

US drops its largest non-nuclear bomb against ISIS in Afghanistan

Merkel admit: 'There is no doubt' some migrants pose a security risk

House Democrats want Kushner's security clearance suspended

Salon: Maxine Waters for prez!

Russian Foreign Minister tells Andrea Mitchell she needs to learn some manners

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