Friday, February 17, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Politico: The dizzying, mesmerizing Trump show

Rush Limbaugh on Trump: 'This was one of the most effective press conference I have ever seen'

FACEBOOK Live airs four murders in one day!

Coulter: House passed six Obamacare repeals when Obama was president! Now, nothing ...

Mother of four takes sanctuary in Denver church ...

Appeals Court agrees to wait on Trump's revised travel ban order

A lot of Dodd-Frank rules are getting killed before they have a chance to live

China may ban American ships from passing through its waters ...

Wikileaks exposes: CIA involvement in French election ...

Sex at 70: [Susan] Sarandon says orientation 'up for grabs' ...

Zukerberg rebuffs 'America first' ...

Fake News: NYT, NYDN, HuffPo report GOP helping mentally ill to get guns

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