Thursday, February 16, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites

After likening Trump to Hitler, journalist are upset they are not being called on

WSJ: Spies keeping intelligence from president ...

Top former intel official: Trump has to clean house at the CIA

Fear spreads across Paris as riots in suburbs spread into city ...

Congressman staffer knocked unconscious by anti-Trump protester

CA's Medicaid enrollment jumps 57% ...

FBI releases documents related to Trump's 1973 racial discrimination case

Vigil: The Deep State bumps off General Flynn. Who's the next target?

NYT reporter apologizes for calling Melania Trump 'a hooker'

Report: ESPN losing 10,000 subscribers a day over its political left turn

Ashton Kutcher blows kiss to McCain during hearing

Former NSA analyst claims intel community will go 'nuclear' against Trump

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