Wednesday, January 18, 2017


What is it in the psyche of liberals that makes so many of them be so vindictive? The actions of many of those on the left leading up to Trumps inauguration are exhibiting a degree of sullen pettiness and petulance that certainly doesn't become them ... and threatens even the tearing of our social fabric. Yes, Representative John Lewis saying that Trump's presidency was "illegitimate" is an unfortunate example of this vitriol, but liberals are falling over each other to find more infantile and even dangerous ways of disrupting not just Trump's inauguration (blocking traffic, stink bombs, shutting down the subway), but also his presidency. And unfortunately this playground clique includes President Obummer who, while professing cooperation, has gone way out of his way to make Trump's job of governing much more difficult with a flurry of mean-spirited last-minute actions.

I know the claim of a double standard, left to right, if overused. But conservatives, although they knew that Obummer when first elected, was out to pull down much of what we recognize as the American way, still did not throw sand in the gears of his government like we see being planned for on the left today. This reluctance of conservatives then to engage in the same type of petty obstructionism that we now see occurring or being planned ... did not buy them any quarter when the tables were turned. In fact, this civility seems to have done nothing but enrage their opposition as our country realized what was occurring and "threw the bums out."

Yes, the Republicans have been accused of obstructionism in Congress ... but for 6 of Obummer's 8 years they did not have majorities in both houses and the Reid-Pelosi tag team made sure that little got done besides the Obummer agenda. Slowly, too slowly IMO, the legislative wheels are moving again and, I suspect things will accelerate after this Friday. That is, this will likely happen over the objections and obstructions of the new Schumer-Pelosi tag team.

But the Republicans have a secret weapon, Donald Trump, who can be as surly and petty as the liberal left. In fact his constant push-back just might be the reason he got elected. Any other Republican candidate ... with the possible exception of Carly Fiorina ... would likely have been steamrolled like McCain ans Romney. And what are the Democrat losers objecting to in Trump? Why his Twitter combativeness. Basically, they are trying to de-fang him.

Trump is punching back against this vindictiveness. It might serve him well to be a little vindictive in return.

If he survives the ultimate vindictiveness, that is ...


  1. "This reluctance of conservatives then to engage in the same type of petty obstructionism..." Made me laugh out loud. Sir, have you no shred of honesty? Or is the kool-aid affecting your memory?

    1. I don't recall the right sitting out Obummer's inauguration ... even the second one when we knew what damage he was doing to this country. Or W leaving land mines for Obummer to deal with in his first administration. Even the Duck Dynasty people behaved themselves.

  2. True enough. The right stayed away from petty obstructionism in favor of "you lie", always no, fully-formed congressional obstructionism.

    1. Rep. Joe Wilson claimed that Obummer was lying when he said Obamacare would not cover illegal aliens. As it turned out, he was right and Obummer was lying. Was that the only lie that Obummer told regarding the AFA?

  3. John Boehner on Obama Agenda "“We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.” it wasn't venal, it was treason.

    1. And unfortunately he was unsuccessful ... and thus we are burdened with that plate of worms called Obamacare ... which Nancy Pelosi still hasn't read.

  4. Here's a fact for ya. When Obama took office Dow was around 8000 when Trump takes office Dow is 19,000+. How is that a disaster?

    1. And did the Federal Reserve Bank's over 20 trillion (with a T) dollars of easy money have anything to do with things? Certainly not sub-2% GDP growth for 8 years ...
