Wednesday, January 18, 2017


These headlines are real ... they have all been discovered on Internet news sites.

Putin: Trump didn't meet Russian prostitutes ... but they are the best!

What will Obama do next: Teaching golf, running an NBA team, memoir writing ...

Trump: NATO 'obsolete' members 'aren't paying what they should'

Trump slams 'rigged' polls of his public approval ...

California shows low expectations for Trump, but support for some immigration plans

Trump promises 'insurance for everybody'

NASA to explore asteroid worth $10,00o quadrillion!

Netanyahu: I intend to lead Israel for many more years ...

Jim Brown: Trump won fair and square -- 'I'm going to support him as president'

Amazon to start accepting food stamps

Obama places White House staffers in gov't positions on way out of office

Maserati salesman killed after demonstrating zero to 111 MPH ...

Abortions in US drop to lowest level since 1974 ...

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